THE STORY BEHIND THE STORY: How and Why CPS Removed Me from My School

Power concedes ....

After the mayor’s office had me removed from my school I wrote, “The corruption behind CPS’s actions that day was readily apparent. I intend to write about it soon.”
Well, here it is.
Take a deep breath. You’re in for one hell of a ride.

On Wednesday, April 20th I received a letter informing me that I’d been reassigned “to home” and that CPS would seek to suspend me without pay.  Several days later, I was given the charges CPS used to justify their actions.  I plan on addressing those charges in the very near future. The first step, however, is to understand how CPS attempted to remove me.  That requires an understanding of the events in the two months prior to my reassignment.

One of my favorite films is a martial arts epic entitled, Hero.  The film stars Jet Li as a nameless warrior who carries out a meticulous plan…

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About Kathy Powers
Advocacy is my therapy. Chicago, IL Don't cooperate!

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